About megambd

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So far megambd has created 50 blog entries.

Unheard Voices From the Urban Peripheries

In 1965, I spent two months in Pontezinha and Ponte dos Carvalhos, two small towns on the periphery of the Recife. Nearly six decades later I returned as a Fulbright Distinguished Professor, hosted by the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation (FUNDAJ) to learn what had transpired and search for people who were there at that time.

2024-01-26T13:10:16-05:00January 8th, 2024|

From Demon to Darling: Child of the Dark or Model for Sustainable Cities: 50 years of reality in Rio’s Favelas

During the pandemic I have been working at three major projects. One of those projects was an overview article, “From Demon to Darling:  Child of the Dark or Model for Sustainable Cities”

2023-02-03T10:44:16-05:00February 10th, 2023|
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