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My honor to work with Jimmy Carter on the first National Urban Policy
Amid the worldwide outpouring of admiration and affection for Jimmy Carter, I I feel a deep sense of exhilaration and personal pride that I was fortunate enough to work for him on the first ever “National Urban Policy.”
Presentation at the World Urban Forum in Cairo
At the Earth Summit (Rio92), cities were merely a brief mention alongside women and people with disabilities. Over 30 years later, it’s inspiring to witness how far we’ve come—this year’s World Urban Forum 12 Egypt drew a record-breaking 37,000 people passionate about cities and their future.
Field visits in Cairo
It has been my life’s work to follow the changes in informal settlements over time. Beyond the World Urban Forum in Cairo, the highlights of my trip were visits to two communities that reflect both the challenges and improvements in Egypt’s informal settlements.
Housing by People – Networking Event
I am thrilled to be going to Cairo for the 12th World Urban Forum -to speak on a panel honoring the legacy of my beloved mentor at MIT, John Turner.
We Work in 23 of the Largest Cities in the World
According to Report on The World’s cities in 2016 –by the Economic and Social Affairs office of the United Nations, there are currently 31 cities with populations of 10 million or more, but definitions of cities and metropolitan areas are inconsistent across countries and sources
1. Tokyo, Japan
2. Delhi, India
3. Shanghai, China
4. Mumbai, India
5. São Paulo, Brazil
6. Beijing, China
7. Mexico City, Mexico
8. Cairo, Egypt
9. New York, USA
10. Dhaka, Bangladesh
11. Karachi, Pakistan
12. Buenos Aires, Argentina
13. Kolkota, India
14. Istanbul, Turkey
15. Lagos, Nigeria
16. Manila, Philippines
17. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
18. Los Angeles, USA
19. Moscow, Russia
20. Paris, France
21. Jakarta, Indonesia
22. London, UK
23. Bangkok, Thailand
The fastest growing segment of the world’s population lives in informal settlements in cities of the ‘global south’. Today 1 billion people live in these self-build communities. By 2050 there will be 3 billion, representing 1/3 people on the planet.
For the past three decades we have worked hard to connect ideas, people and places to promote inclusive cities.